The last few weeks I've been having a hard time being productive while working from home. My workplace decided to close the local office and have us work from home to avoid the spread of COVID-19. I think it's necessary, but I still have a hard time keeping focused in my home-environment. There are so much else to do, and too many distractions. That, plus the isolation is currently my biggest gripe. Staying in otherwise is not so bad. We are in for some interesting times I think. I've started watching "Tales from the Loop", which is a series on Amazon Prime based on the paintings of Simon Stålenhag. I think they did a good job, but at the same time I understand that people might think it's a big slow. Each episode is loosely connected, and I kind of like that. That said, I don't necessarily like all the episodes. All in all, I feel like that could have done more with the material. Either way, I enjoyed it. I've also been watching a lot of old Twilight Zone-episodes. There are some real gems to be found! I'm currently on season 3 and will continue to watch an episode a day for the foreseeable future. That's it for now. /M