Morons exist... Sometimes morons exist in our families. Dealing with them can be a serious effort in patience for me, regardless of who they might be. I should mention that everyone has moronic moments, and I am not talking about that (hell I have those just like everyone else), what I mean are those people that are so mentally detached that they are moronic more than 70% of the time. They exist in a state of perpetual ignorance and put forth no effort in pulling themselves up from that dark, deep hole of stupidity. My sister is one of those people. While not wholly stupid she muddles through life with a laziness and unchecked ignorance that is untennable. She commits the sin of pushing her own neurosis onto her children, disabling them before they had a decent start. It sickens me. She had my nephew labeled as autistic, even thoguh he seems fine now, and most likely the primary issue was a lack of social interaction. Once he got into school, he immediately was better.