Title: beastie is up again Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 05:41:29 +0000 Categoy: Misc # beastie is finally up `beastie` is a new accessible host inside sdf clusters which uses OpenBSD as the OS and same `$HOME` directory as other sdf's hosts. While `beastie` is great, frequent fsync errors may occur randomly because there are chances that NFS mount shared between sdf clusters is being non-responsive. The last of this error causes several days `downtime` on `beastie` host. The last time I encountered the problem on `beastie` is several days ago. During the downtime period, users are unable to establish new ssh sessions to `beastie` for several days. # One host is down, but the cluster is accessible Fortunately, sdf has several hosts that can be used to log in. The available hosts can be accessed via `tty.sdf.org` and each provides access to the same `$HOME`, so one's inability to access `beastie` host is actually no problem at all. # As of today `beastie` is up and running. I am impressed with lightweight memory use of `beastie`, several days uptime with very minimal memory usage. Probably `beastie` doesn't run as many service as other `tty` hosts. ``` _____ mydeardiary@beastie \- -/ ------------------- \_/ \ OS: OpenBSD 7.0 amd64 | O O | Host: Supermicro X7DBT |_ < ) 3 ) Uptime: 10 days, 33 mins / \ / Packages: 192 (pkg_info) /-_____-\ Shell: mksh R59 2020/10/31 Terminal: /dev/ttypo CPU: Intel Xeon X5460 (8/8, SMT off) Memory: 198MiB / 16367MiB ``` So as my preferred host on sdf is up, I can get back enjoying `sdf.org` as `$HOME`, far away from home. If you are fellow `sdf` user, give `beastie` a try by logging in to `beastie.sdf.org`. Remember to set up `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` beforehand to make logging in easier. # One useful tip: be patient It seems that one needs some *patience* when one of the host on the cluster is not accessible. Well, done. Long life `sdf.org` as the oldest public access system.