notes.txt Tue Feb 21 14:41:28 UTC 2023 Busy month for me - January and February were always so - many of my projects' timestamps reflect those months, as productivity on those things peaks during this time of year. Man, when the spring and summer come, it's a lot more about the outdoors for me (pre 2020 anyway ;) Woke up super early this morning (about 3:55 a.m. - certain it was before four, but not by much). That's Tuesday the 21st ('now'). This isn't entirely without precedent. ;) When young, staying up *until* four wasn't terribly unusual but I've found as I age that getting up *before* four is quite a good move, if I can manage it (not often enough, I would say). I'm listening to John Cleese (yes, of Monty Python) at Cornell (in 2017) this morning. It's a talk that lasts an hour and a half. John thoughtfully suggested they all take a five minute break, at around the 47th minute or so - good idea. When they reassembled, it was clearly after a short break. Dated 9/11/2017 and with Dean .. well here, let me show the formal stamping on it: A Conversation with John Cleese - Cornell University 9/11/17 Cornell University Press (it's to the YouTube site - sorry. Truly.) It's with Dean John Smith, with an introduction from the Provost. It's really quite good, and the pro wrestler analogy is in it, somewhat early (but past minute 40 I'd say, on the time index). The goldfish bit is in there as well. As I'm currently troubled by something social (and emotional) this lecture (talk; somewhat of a conversation) from John is especially a touchstone for me. Tue Jan 24 23:38:59 UTC 2023 Just noticed I have lynx save privs, with the registered account. Prior to that, I had to reconfigure it for vi keybindings each time it was used (fingers very used to having them available over more than two decades of lynx use ;) Sun 16:14z I still (on occasion) write about more human things, but I have much less of a desire to be 'understood' or even 'heard' (proper) for this. Not as interesting as it once was. OTOH I have a frequent (almost daily) inbound telephone call that tends to last about an hour (daily!) Family. Seem to want to do this (that often) so who am I to say otherwise. ;) Almost none of that is tech. Conversely: I look for this (human factor) in what I'm reading here ( gopher environment). Mostly. Yeah, if there's a 'stop the press!' moment in tech writing found here, I'm paying attention, but not looking for it. Sun Jan 22 14:33:08 UTC 2023 Wow wow wow wow wow. The shell access here is way more than hoped for - rvim just works 'out of the box' no setup no nothin. Just Does The Right Thing. cp preserved permission bits (I think) and/or umask set already to 0077 so Bob's your uncle - very nice. I could not be more pleased. That's a lot for 3 bux. ;) Also: paypal validation process very responsive - it is a Sunday (9:37 a.m. NYC time zone) here, and Exhibit 1: Sat Jan 21 16:58:48 UTC 2023 Sun Jan 22 14:37:06 UTC 2023 pretty sure I put in the paypal yesterday (Sat) or Friday at the earliest. (Checked: less than 24 hours!) Webbed was a no go (unresponsive) and was already logged in at paypal -- so chanced it with a blind paypal, following instrux from 'validate'. I got a proper SMS from paypal, which confirmed who was getting my precious 3 bux. ;) Interesting typo just made: 'paypay' haha. Thanks, sysadmin(s). This is really nice. Sat Jan 21 16:58:48 UTC 2023 Did validate - expecting a fairly long latency while awaiting human intervention (dotcom) in that process. ;) Fri 20 Jan 15:06:11 UTC 2023 Minor gophermap updates lising servers and found assets. gophermap in this (very) directory is now one of the older ones, and does not reflect recent lessons learned. Need to figure that out (how to convey this). Thu 20:04z Behringer (sp) mic and mixer - nice. Bookmarked. ZeroSurge - no claims of insurance. Just quality and some form of certs. Behringer Xenyx Q502USB 5-Input 2-Bus Mixer w/Xenyx Mic Preamp and Compressor, British EQ and USB/Audio Interface SKU: BEQ502USB [ ] Behringer ULTRAVOICE XM8500 Dynamic Cardioid Vocal Microphone SKU: BEXM8500 Thu 15:35z Control L R or W to redraw after an edit - testing now. Result: nope. Does not reload (refresh) the file just viewed, even though it has been modified quite a bit. However: that's because the file was recently slurped and the machine is looking at its old copy of it. For another unviewed file (since traversal there) that does not apply - a super recent edit shows up in the gopher client as well, as one might have expected it to. Thu 14:23z Just edit a newfile and then ^R to read in a 'buffer' (another disk file). No 'cp' likely so that's the mechanism to reuse an existing disk buffer (text file). Probably. ;) Thu 14:17z rule.txt for the ruler. Thu 14:16z Re-consider column width decision - thinking about 80 columns. Thu 14:07z If this very dir has g-r then the files in it are not listed. You can go more restrictive than that. However, functionality becomes even more limted. Present settings will soon be optimal, most likely (when set, making 'present' didactic ;) drwxr-xr-x required for notes.d for normal access use; use a more restrictive bitmask for short duration hides (unusual need; don't do this much as the system is always live). Find some other space to do those in, if required. (Make a directory somewhere here in space you *cough* 'own' for that use case). Thu 13:59z Control K cuts and Control U uncuts (pastes) seemingly. Untested. later: yup. works. and Control X does not eat your work - can be the only keybinding used in lieu of 'save and exit' just fine. ;) /pico Thu 13:52z File to insert from /sdf/udd/n/nisanth directory: gopher/notes.d/zadded.txt (changed from 'added.txt' to 'zadded.txt' to affect the sort in a gopher list/foo) cynosphere Cynthia's gopherhole - this was good - stream .mp3 works Jan 2023. Thu 13:19z - see added.txt for now (concat feature unclear). concat: full path from $HOME so rethink that. ;) one thing too many hobbies side table conv just now bother sun sister moon do few things but do them well. one thing too many hobbies side table His boss read a book called 'One Thing' suggesting doing 'one thing' in context of thinking about adding a new (small) division to the existing business of his company. So he put up a small sign large font with just those two words on it. ;) Probably implying his boss (who read the book itself) would see the sign from time to time and both would be reminded of what the book said. ;) (not that books are always right, just that it holds that suggestion) Said his father told him not to acquire too many hobbies (his father did very nice woodworking projects as a hobby - never professionally). iirc 'Brother Sun, Sister Moon' (film) was said to have a quote spoken in it: "Do few things, but do them well." Doesn't really matter if that quote isn't in the film (haven't seen it). Thu 19 Jan 12:07:29 UTC 2023 First Entry (aka Initial Commit). unix - lists current command set (and was hard to miss) help - various information tidbits. ;) This file is immediately updated - no latency. Nice (thank you!) Can cd to the 'real' dir but cannot edit there. Continue to use the soft link as provided (during document editing live). No way seen to edit other than to 'physically' be 'in' the system. So do that when authoring documents. refresh in local gopher client by navigation .. seems to fetch the current revision just fine. Make sense. nisanth 41N73W Connecticut USA END.