[ Changes June is just around the corner, and that means we will be at the halfway point of 2024. This has been a quick year. I said I had a few challenges coming up this year, and I have overcome one already: I had never been hospitalized before, nor had I ever undergone surgery. The whole experience was, in the end, a good one in that I lost weight, I changed my diet and I had plenty of time to sit back and do a lot of reading and little else. The complete absence of any stress was very much needed. I've also made the switch from iOS to Android. It wasn't an easy decision, but Apple's high prices helped me make up my mind, along with me being bored of the platform and the ecosystem in general. F-Droid also helped changed my mind too; I often find myself browsing the catalogue as there are some really nice apps out there. Now if only I could SMS someone younger than me and have them go "EWWW!!! GREEN BUBBLES!" then the transition would be complete. Wrestling my photo collection away from Apple was not easy, and it took several hours over a weekend, but it's my data damn it, and I took it back. I brought it all back home locally, and gThumb is just about a perfect replacement for iPhoto or whatever it's called. June is a tough month here in Japan though, because there aren't any national holidays until the middle of July. Gotta hold on until then, but I think we're in for a real hot Summer.