=========================================================================== Gay and Dead =========================================================================== Title : Gay and Dead Artist : Trial of the Golden Witch Genre : Cringecore, Hip-Hop Released: 2017 "Gay and Dead" by Trial of the Golden Witch is an absurd, laughable attempt at an amateur rap record, full of cringey bars and stereotypical beats. What makes this album enjoyable for me are the deep layers of lore it steeps itself in, being part of a series of albums masterminded by Trial's frontman, Conrad AKA Digibro on YouTube. Each album in this series receives a long, detailed, thorough analysis video on his channel, and as a fan of his content for years, I couldn't help but laugh my ass off at his music. Eventually, I came to respect it as funny, catchy, and not without a certain emotional narrative that I connected to. Be warned, 99% of you will not like this album. But if you catch yourself thinking about the distilled cringe of this LP days after listening to it, then you may be like me. You may be weird enough to actually enjoy this garbage. Favorite Tracks: Paradise (in name only), Gayer Than God, Buttfuckers Anthem