=========================================================================== Leaving My Waiting Room =========================================================================== Title : Leaving My Waiting Room Artist : Sunlight Ascending Genre : Post-Rock, Ambient Rock/Shoegaze Released: 2012 The biggest crime in the world of rock music, in my opinion, was letting the pure compositional and songwriting genius of Sunlight Ascending go unnoticed. This band weaves together three guitars, bass, drums, and various percussion instruments into some of the most impressive post-rock tracks I have ever heard. From blistering guitar passages like "Leaving My Waiting Room" to heartwarming ambient and melodic motifs on tracks like "Inamovable", every cut on this LP is pure gold. The catchiness and immediacy of their songwriting is legendary, and their multi-instrumental skill is impressive, with expressive guitar lines, frenetic bass jams, and supersonic drumming. This album is a love letter to what post-rock could have been, had everyone stopped trying to imitate Explosions in the Sky for five seconds. Favorite Tracks: The Dhanbad Rails, Inamovable, Leaving My Waiting Room