WELCOME TO THE OLDFOLIO GOPHER SERVER! COMMAND LINE NOTES 7-ZIP 7za a -mhe=on -p archive-name.7z original-file a = add to archive -mhe=on = encrypt headers as well as data -p = prompt for password APT apt-get --no-install-recommends install package-name CD To return to the directory that you just left: cd - DATE FreeBSD: Set the date to 5:05 pm, January 21, 2018 date 201801211705 yyyymmddhhmm If you only need to change the hours and minutes date 1705 will change the time to 5:05 pm and leave the date unchanged. DD Overwrite with zeroes a 133 byte file: dd if=/dev/zero of=filename count=1 bs=133 Overwrite with zeroes a 1 MB byte file: dd if=/dev/zero of=storage-bin count=1K bs=1024 Overwrite with zeroes a 1 GB byte file: dd status=progress if=/dev/zero of=storage-bin count=1024K bs=1024 dd status=progress if=/dev/zero of=storage-bin count=1M bs=1024 On my home system, /dev/zero can be used to generate a 10G file in about 45 seconds. By contrast, /dev/urandom will take about three minutes. Do not even bother with /dev/random. DIG Check the mx record for yandex.com at the name server dns1.yandex.net: dig mx yandex.com @dns1.yandex.net On Debian-based systems, dig is supplied by the package dnsutils. On FreeBSD, dig is supplied by the package bind-utils. DMIDECODE Displays hardware information. Must be run as root. See this guide: https://www.howtoforge.com/dmidecode-finding-out-hardware-details-without-opening-the-computer-case Display memory information: dmidecode -t memory DPKG List installed packages: dpkg --get-selections Show the status of package, PACKAGE: dpkg-query --status PACKAGE DU du -h --max-depth=1 DUPLICITY Backup files in directory "source" to a remote server. The first time duplicity runs it will do a full backup. Subsequently, it will do an incremental backup of changes. duplicity --encrypt-key gpg-key /home/user/source sftp://host//home/user/target duplicity --encrypt-key gpg-key /home/user/source file:///home/user/local-target duplicity restore sftp://host//home/user/backup /home/user/local-restore-directory On incremental backups, some versions of duplicity will return the following error message related to GnuPG: Error processing remote manifest This is a known and benign error message that does not indicate any failures in the backup. ELINKS If you enable one of the color modes, then [shift]-5 will cycle through the color schemes for that mode. You can toggle the numbering of hyperlinks with the period "." EMACS My Emacs notes have their own page, or they will have once I set it up. GNUPG Encrypt to a specific user/recipient: gpg -e -r USER file.txt Create a detached, ascii-enarmored signature specifying which key to use: gpg -u key-to-use -a --output file.sig --detach-sig file.txt Create a non-detached, ascii-enarmored signature specifying which key to use: gpg -u key-to-use --clearsign file.txt Verify detached signature: gpg --verify signature.sig signed-file.txt Export public key: gpg -a --export {key-identifier} > public-key.asc Export secret/private key: gpg -a --export-secret-keys {key-identifier} > secret-key.asc If you should ever need to edit your ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file, you will need to reload the gpg-agent once you are finished editing. $ gpg-connect-agent reloadagent /bye Use extreme caution if you change the gpg-agent to pinentry-curses. Doing so breaks the graphical version of Emacs, and I have not yet found a work-around. If you will be working remotely with GnuPG encrypted files, you may need to set the agent to pinentry-curses. Otherwise, the gpg-agent will expect a graphical environment -- and fail when one is not present. HTML ESCAPE SEQUENCES & will display & < will display < > will display > You might also find this useful;

LN ln -s target-file link-name LOSETUP # losetup -a # List the status of all loop devices # losetup /dev/loop0 filename # Associate loop device 0 with file filename # losetup -d /dev/loop0 # Detach loop device NAMEBENCH Send 128 queries to only the nameservers specified: namebench -q 128 -O,, NETHACK Some nethack commands: @ = toggle autopickup d = drop i = open inventory r = read (as in read a spellbook) t = throw (as in throw a dagger) w = wield weapon f = fire arrows in quiver using wielded bow Q = place arrows in quiver S = save your game and exit P = put on (as in put on a ring) R = remove (as in remove a ring) W = wear armor or shield T = take off armor or shield Z = cast a spell ^d = bash (as in bash a door) #chat = talk to another character #loot = open a container #force = attempt to open a locked container #untrap = rescue pet from pit Possible ~/.nethackrc OPTIONS=color,time,hilite_pet,menucolors,!autopickup,role=valkyrie,race=human #OPTIONS=color,time,role=wizard,race=elf,gender=female RSYNC rsync -avuP --delete source-directory/ host:/destination-directory Notice that the source directory HAS a trailing slash, but that the destination directory does NOT have a trailing slash. Hetzner storage boxes only recognize relative paths. So, your rsync command will need to look something like: rsync -avuP --delete local-directory/ hetzner:./directory ^ notice the dot Synchronize a single file: rsync -avuP source-directory/filename host:/destination-directory/ Notice that when synchronizing a single file a trailing slash *DOES* follow the destination directory. SECURE_DELETE (FreeBSD) / SECURE-DELETE (Debian) Overwrite and delete all files and subdirectories of DIRECTORY srm -llr DIRECTORY SMEM Report chrome or chromium total memory usage: smem -t -k -c pss -P chrom | tail -n 1 Report opera total memory usage: smem -t -k -c pss -P opera | tail -n 1 Report yandex browser total memory usage: smem -t -k -c pss -P yandex_b | tail -n 1 Report yandex disk total memory usage: smem -t -k -c pss -P yandex-d | tail -n 1 Report vivaldi total memory usage: smem -t -k -c pss -P vivaldi | tail -n 1 SSHFS If you install sshfs, you can mount your remote servers as an ordinary user. $ sshfs server-nickname:/home/username /local/mountpoint -o uid=1000,gid=1000 To unmount: $ fusermount -u /local/mountpoint SYSCTL Report hardware information on FreeBSD systems: # sysctl hw.model hw.machine hw.ncpu TAR To archive your /etc and /home directories: # tar cvf /root/etc-home.tar /etc /home To create an archive that excludes some files in the target: tar cvf ~/archive.tar --exclude='excluded-directory/*' * To list the files in an archive: tar tvf archive.tar Compression: bzip2 = j gzip = z xz = J Create an archive with a time stamp in the archive name: suffix=`date +%F-%H.%M` tar cvf /home/user/archive-$suffix.tar /path/to/target-directory/ TMUX Ctrl-b to enter commands Detach the current session: Ctrl-b d Re-attach a previous session: tmux attach -t 0 where "0" is the name of the previous session. USERMOD To change a user's primary login group: usermod -g primarygroupname username To add a user to a secondary group: usermod -a -G secondarygroupname username Using the -G switch without the -a switch will remove a user from all secondary groups except those specified by the current instance of the -G switch. VIM Find each occurrence of 'foo' and replace it with 'bar': :%s/foo/bar/g Edit a remote file: vim scp://user@server.com:22//home/user/filename or :e scp://user@server.com:22//home/user/filename Prompt for an encryption key: :X Center text [based on a 75 character-wide line]: :ce [75] Set the maximum number of characters on a line to 75 set tw=75 Various editing tasks: dd delete current line ~ switch case of characters (from CAPITALS to lower case or vice VERSA) U MAKE ALL SELECTED CHARACTERS CAPITALS/UPPER CASE u make all selected characters lower case J join next line to the current one > indent selected lines gq apply text formatting to selected region " specify a register "+ specify the clipboard "+y copy to clipboard "+d cut to clipboard "+P paste from clipboard before cursor "+p paste from clipbaord after cursor Miscellaneous echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches Do a searchon "drop_caches" for additional information, including the differences between echo 1, echo 2, and echo 3. File Size Comparison I keep all of my notes in a very large text file. Here is a size comparison of the notes in different formats (October 2018): RAW TEXT 2708583 bytes (100.00%) DOCX 1254433 bytes ( 46.31%) ODT 1103976 bytes ( 40.76%) GZ TEXT 1040337 bytes ( 38.41%) XZ TEXT 796340 bytes ( 29.40%) BZ2 TEXT 763485 bytes ( 28.19%) ============================ The End ============================