Unlike some people affiliated with dark parts of the workings of state, I take my vows and my NDAs seriously. Seriously. I could write screeds focused on the nattering nabobs of negativity talking about security clearances on the media right now. I shan't. It would be an insult to those who kn0w what they.re doing, and fulfill the security requirements of what they do honorably. These stories are total works of fiction. There is no allusion or deception, here, it is a total work of fiction. I just want to highlight and describe the types of guys that are out there, working selflessly, knowing that ain.t anyone ever gonna know the scope or scale of their sacrifice to protect these United States, the best of nations. All they want is to come home, hug their wives, sit on the front porch and enjoy the wonders of a sunset. And maybe have a little whisky.