CHARITY TRAVEL (Posted 2011-02-03 11:27:14 by ArchPaladin) Having been in school so much (and with so much blizzarding going on) the idea of travel is constantly fresh in my mind. However, this idea rages against the part of me that doesn't like to spend a lot of money. While I like vacations and new experiences, I don't like the cost of actually traveling, or the high-priced nature of many touristy places. Apparently other people have thought of this as well. _Many_ other people. And what these many other people have apparently done is to set up organizations that will allow you to travel (with various upfront cost - $300 and up was what I saw) under their organization as a volunteer for some charity or research work. For example, you can take a trip into some country in Africa and help teach English for a time. Or you can go and build houses in an impoverished community. Or you can help track whales as part of a scientific study in the tropics (that example costs a fair amount of money). A couple days of rest time are usually built into these different options, so you can still go about and do something tourist-like. The general ideas for why anyone would want to do this are not only to generally be engaged in charity or volunteer work, but also to have a chance to really see part of a different culture, rather than just visit the monuments and tourist attractions. The point is not that your travel becomes work, but rather that within your travel you are really able to experience a different culture and do something helpful at the same time. I think this is pretty cool. I don't think it would replace the need to go somewhere else and just unwind, but it does allow for a unique experience in a place away from home. Here are some organizations that manage these things. I think there might be a link or two in there that are more travel oriented and less volunteer oriented, but so be it. * Go Overseas [ ] [] * Earthwatch Institute [ ] [] * Go Eco [ ] [] * Global Vision International [ ] [] * International Volunteer Programs Association [ ] [] * Volunteers for Peace [ ] [] * Service Civil International [ ] [] * Responsible Travel [ ] [] * Habitat for Humanity [ ] [] -------- There are no comments on this post.