Poe Area Concept #1 -*-org-*- Design a MUD area based on works of Edgar Allan Poe, primarily "The Fall of the House of Usher". This will be a very literary area emphasizing plot and atmosphere. Use Poe text in descriptions. Player exploring area should receive similar impression to reading Poe story. * Direction - Be fun for current players and attractive to new players. - Appropriate for low-level characters, levels 5-20 - Concentrate on atmosphere, puzzles, plot - Steady-state (house doesn't fall except as special event) * Subareas - Approach: wilderness & tarn - Roderick's studio - Bedroom - Crypt - Library: books are portals to other similarly themed or off-themed areas (King in Yellow, Sesame Street, ...) - Cask of Amontillado - Hop Frog's swinging flaming orangutan puzzle * Mobs - Roderick - Madeline - doctor - servants: numerous and strong enough to be moderate leveling challenge. - Fortunato - Eight orangutan maskers - (PC is in role of Usher narrator, Montresor, Fortunato(?), Hop Frog) * Sights and Events - White crypt painting - Snatches of ballad "The Haunted Palace" (name area for it?) - Sound of Madeline breaking out of crypt. - fall of house (special event (Halloween?)) - Berenice's teeth (not sure I want to make area a Poe pastiche, but also doubt my ability to make a satisfactory area drawing on only a single Poe story.)