Raining... Using the newly MOTd bike today, so obviously it's raining. Not too badly though, and we wouldn't want to be a fairweather biker now, would we? The proofreading course has arrived, and looks pretty good, I'll make a start on it tonight and then see how we go. You have a year to finish it, but I think six months should suffice. Either way doing it properly is the main thing after all. The Greek referendum went well, although it seems a shame that Varoufakis has gone, but no doubt he'll still be helping in the background. The arrogance of the EU ministers and executives is really quite disturbing, I used to be a fan of the EU, but with this and stuff like TTIP I think that I'd now have to vote No if we ever get an in/out referendum. I'm considering ratting my bike up a bit more than it is already, it should however be a gradual process, organic almost, time to find bits that can be replaced with checker plate...