Fri May 29 09:51:33 UTC 2020 test phlog post 7, edited title using -L 4 -- Updated using, vee -L 4 -GU Creating a file called "gophermap" into a directory disables the normal resource listing and replaces it with the contents of the map file. You can also have inline gophermaps - files with a ".gophermap" extension are parsed as gophermaps and displayed in between normal resources in alphabetical order. In a gophermap any line that doesn't contain a character is automatically converted to an type "i" gopher resource which are displayed as plain text in the client. Lines which contain tabs are intepreted as gopher resource lines which the client will render as links. The first line of a gophermap should be a !Title line describing the menu. Dynamic gophermaps are possible by making the gophermap a script and marking it as executable. All script output is parsed just like a static gophermap, for example lines without tabs are con- verted to "i" resources. Executable gophermaps are always ran through the default shell (/bin/sh) so depending on your operat- ing system that's either slow, or really unbearably slow...