******* UNIX TUTORIAL - by Peter Conrad Cumminsky ******* ****** Lesson 2: Some Shell Commands ****** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Who is on the System? ***** %who [Enter] %id [Enter] (Tells you who you are!) ***** What time is it? ***** %date [Enter] ***** How Do You Spell "word"? ***** %look word [Enter] ***** Making Corrections at the Shell Prompt ***** [Ctrl]-[H] or [Backspace] ***** How Do I Stop a Scrolling Display? ***** [Ctrl]-[S] (stop scrolling) [Spacebar] (resume scrolling) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** Getting Help and Information ****** Here are some useful sources of help. %apropos keyword [Enter] (List manpages containing "keyword".) %man command [Enter] (Display the manpage for "command". The major source of documentation for Unix systems.) (Press [Spacebar] to scroll through text) ([Ctrl]-[B] to go back a page) ([Ctrl]-[F] to go forward a page) (q or [Ctrl]-[C] to quit.) %which command [Enter] (Tells you where in the path the command is, if it exists.) %locate text [Enter] (All the locations where the string text is found regardles of path. Useful for finding files or commands if you don't know where they are.) %whatis command [Enter] (Tells you what the command does and its man page. Typing whatis * will tell you about all the commands in the current directory. %whereis text [Enter] (Finds the file text, giving its full path.) You might want to try using whatis on some common useful commands like cat, more, grep, mv, find, tar, chmod, chown, date, and script. more lets you read a page at a time as it does in DOS, e.g., ls -l | more or more filename. The * works as a wildcard--e.g., ls w* will show you files beginning with w. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** Other Useful Commands ****** %df [Enter] (Shows file space and mounted systems.) %ps aux [Enter] (Shows processes running. ps ax is a narrower form.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Combining Shell Commands ***** %ls filename | lpr [Enter] (Pipes the output of the ls command to the printer.) $spell filename > new_filename; lpr new_filename & [Enter] (Redirects the output of the spell command to new_filename and then prints new_filename on the printer all in the background.) ----------------------------------------------------------------------