--- title: Round Two date: Thu, 18 Feb 2021 --- Earlier last year, I had tried to start posting some content here. I quickly realized that I wasn't sure how to balance posting here with posting content on my main website. I preferred having all of my thoughts and notes in one location and I also didn't want to spend time deciding whether a post should go here on there instead. I'm still not sure if I'll really be using this space to its fullest potential but at least I'll have one piece of content under my belt after typing this up. Speaking of spreading myself too thin, I recently spoke with ~ben of tilde.team regarding how I felt like I was biting off more than I could chew. After creating an account with SDF and later with one of the tildes, I started feeling guilty about having access to all of this cool stuff that I wasn't really using. Part of is due to lack of time but most of it is due to the aforementioned reasons, namely not being able to figure out which content should go where and not having any good ideas as to what I should be creating in these personal spaces on the web. I have been checking out the Gemini protocol as well over the past year. It's hard to keep up with content posted there let alone all of the content in my RSS feed and on Gopherspace, but the excellent Lagrange[1] client is such a pleasure to use that it has given me more of an incentive to spend at least a little time every now and then checking out exclusive Gemini content. While doing exactly that today, I came across a nice mobile client[2], which then led me back to the iOS Gopher client by Charles Childers[3]. I had thought about buying this client on a few occasions but seeing as how I didn't spend a ton of time on Gopherspace and moreover, it's unlikely that I'll ever own another iOS device, I held off. However, it seems as though he has released the client for free. I was a bit sad to see this because as far as I'm aware, Apple charges developers a hefty yearly fee for the "privilege" of using the App Store and of course developers have no other channels through which they can offer mobile applications. I felt guilty for not buying it when I had the chance. It's worth showing support for this type of software but it's nice that maybe a few more people will now have access to a good mobile client. I'll still try to continue figuring out how to make good use of this space. For now, I don't have much to contribute but maybe that will change before the dust gets too thick. [1] https://gmi.skyjake.fi/lagrange/ [2] https://github.com/pitr/gemini-ios/ [3] gopher://forthworks.com/