Hi folks, Papa Vince here! A quick heads up, I published new text onto OAC official text dir, and transformed miscellaneous dir into My Shed section, just to make it more fun. Back to reality, I didn't have much time lately to write because of personal reasons, but I'm back now, though not in the best condition. Back on the Saturday (at the time of writing it is Monday 3.02.2019 2:42 AM) something in my neck snapped and I cant turn my head to the left (I can but I'm no masochist), so I spent most of my weekend visiting my girlfriend, playing some games with her, but when the night came, ah yes, when the nighttime came, i got my hands on my laptop's keyboard, and I wrote a lot. But two days aren't that much, so not many of new things appeared. On Saturday I finished the Exaltation of Wisdom, which my friend 8sync knew of about a bit earlier (also, go check his phlog out, link'll be in Shed, he's got some cool music). Then through the whole Sunday i pretty much spent fooling around on a computer, and helping my woman with her homework, and I got an idea. So I've got this Cigar Box Guitar that I made some time ago, but it sounds pretty weak, and a plan was devised in a flash. A detector circuit! I looked up a piezoceramic element on my electronics provider website, but I can't buy it now, as I'm kinda broke at this moment. Apart from this little "feler" (Silesian word for an obstacle or fault) I gathered all electronic elements I had on hand, did some filter calculations, some simulations, and there you have it, a CBG amp and detector circuit, all in ESiA norm, here in plain text on gopher. Also I'll buy some prototyping boards from the same provider because I've got to build the amp on something after all. On the other hand, after a long time I picked up again a russian language course, so you can expect that something written in russian will appear not too long from now in either transliterated form or in pdf if I'll have the willpower to wrestle with cyryllic keyboard layout (though I'll have to learn it someday). Wish you a better day or night than I have! May Fate work in y'all favour.