01 October 2023 ---------------- Back at Plan9... Its now a while since i last 'lived' in Plan9 (or more exactly, 9front), but on this weekend i gave it another try. Why? Well... i have no idea. Perhaps Linux is too daily-drivable? Because you can now do everything on Linux (or even OpenBSD) that you may need at a daily basis? Perhaps i have missed the challenge to get things to work. Or find ways to work around obstacles. Or discover that i don't need some things. Well, it took me only a few minutes to be right back at home in ACME (If you think Emacs is cool try ACME!) and to get all the relevant things to work in 9Front (ok, sound still don't work, but i will get this...). Now i force myself to re-code an udemy datascience course which used python in Plan9 C. Perhaps i have really some masochistic tendencies... On another topic: Junior is now able to stand up on his own (as long as he has something to grip on) and simply don't want to lie down or (the indignity!) crawl. Not bad for a bit over 7 months... Now... another weekend gone and "back into the saltmines" tomorrow, but at least there is the outlook forward to October 3rd, a holiday here in germany.