04 April 2023 -------------- Its been a while since my last post, but i have a good excuse! I am now the father of a nearly two month old son. Its... time consuming. At least by now my wife and i have somewhat lived in to our new roles and everything is somewhat back to normal. We even manage to get a decent amount of sleep per day ;-) So, what else happened in the last two months? Much more than i could remember now, but the highlights were that we finally finished our barn conversion project, visited the inlaws again and it seems we have broken the cyle: Two times a visit of the inlaws where nobody ended up in hospital! Ah, and i started a homelab! Nothing fancy, just a very much underpowered truenas server and two also underpowered NUCs of dubious provenience i got for free at work. Why? Now... the idea lurked even longer in the back of my mind after looking into todays kids shows, they are... mostly shit for my "kid of the 80s" eyes. So for quiet some time i had the idea to set up a media server with tons and tons of kids shows from the 80s and early 90s (here in germany we had a few really good ones like "Loewenzahn" and "Die Sendung mit der Maus"). I had already downloaded a few (hundred) episodes and stored on an external hd, now one of the NUCs is busy downloading tons more. I have still to find an idea how to set up streaming of these, but perhaps i just end up with an Raspberry Pi with Kodi. Luckily, i have still a lot of time befor junior will be interested in watching TV.