05 December 2023 ================ Well... i think winter is really here to stay, last night we got about 10 cm fresh snow whithout any indication of melting in sight. Not bad for beginning of december, the last time i can remember a situation like this was when i was a kid in the 80s. Somehow everything is feeling a bit like a rerun of the 80s for me: The obvious thing with the new east / west conflict doesn't need any explanation i think, the brewing conflicts in south america neither... but a more personal thing that gave me real flashbacks is this: Until the mid 90s the german post did reside in a brutalist "bunker" style building here in my hometown, until they moved away into a more modern, more city centre oriented building. Now... this new(er) building will now be broken down and they moved back into that old concrete castle. The only shame is, that they did not put back the telephone booth in front of it. Regarding my tinkering with the BMC64 i found a gutted C64C case with keyboard for a very, very reasonable price on ebay and hope it will arrive this week. The cool thing with the BMC64 is, that you can wire up the real joystick ports (just DB9 connectors) and the original C64 keyboard to the GPIO pins of the Raspberry making it into a nearly complete C64 (though, printer port is missing and no way to connect a real disk drive). My ultimate goal would be to pĂut an Ultimate64 mainboard into it, but this is some project for the future... What i also grew increasingly fond of is BASIC. Yeah, i know, it has a somewhat bad reputation and is often leading to the creating of "spaghetti code", but on the other hand i have seen "spaghetti code" written in nearly every language. What i really like about it (now more than 25 years after leaving it behind) is the nearly LISP like workflow (yeah, heresy i know) you can achieve with it. I mean... what is the build in BASIC other than a REPL? Even my wife who absolutely has no nostalgic feelings regarding the 8-Bit era was tempted to try a few things (after making some snarky remarks on my newest "pile of electronic junk" on my desktop) and liked the ease in which you can put together some small tools. Well... now its time to work back at my day job, i need to finish another long overdue project and help some collegues with "assisted clicking" on tasks they do for years now but seemingly forget how to do them just the moment the task is done.