16 October 2022 Entered where: At home, at my desk Entered on : Pentium 133 running on FreeDOS ============================================= This was a good weekend, especially if you consider where we stood last year at this time... My dad had a really bad heart condition which manifested itself last year in a way we thought he would get dementia. He was not only forgettfull (that is something he was allays) but he would drift away into memories of his life and simply slip away. Beginning in October last year it got really bad, he sometimes did not recognize us and his health deteriorated basically from day to day and hit rock bottom on 25 December 2021. He was sent to the emergency room as completely non responsive and we all thought "yep, that's it..". But things worked out good. A really good team of doctors in the hospital in Marburg brought him basically back from deaths doorstep. At January he was stable but bedridden, we thought he would be in need of constant care for the rest of his life (and even the doctors hinted at this), during the time until march he made little but constant progress, was becoming better, but still extremely weak. From march through may he was in a home for the elderly, and this was the time he made the best progress: He was now able to not only sit in a wheelchair but constantly pushed to getting better. A month later he was back at home, at first it was a struggle for him and for us. He was much better than even a few weeks before, but far from being the man he was a year ago and it took its toll on him and on us. But things got better. Now we have October again, the time around the whole "adventure" started, and now he is back at where he was two years ago: He is not only able to walk long distances, manage his bank accounts again but also is splitting wood with an axe he got on his 83th birthday on Friday. So far, i am really grateful of this year.