20 November 2023 ================ Do you know this: You have an important assignment, an important task that is nearing its deadline, you KNOW you - as an responsible adult - should have finished said task a week ago, but instead you are calculating "Nah, i make the outline on monday, get it working tuesday or wednesday and the rest of the week i fill in the gaps". And it works, but every single time you are in blood-sweating hyperstress. Well, at least for me that is my modus operandi. Even now i SHOULD be working on a project that is due on next tuesday, but somewhat is holding me back... will i ever overcome this habit? Looking back at the last 40 years of my life i doubt it. The weekend was nice and quiet (or at least as quiet as it can get with an 9 month old furiously training to run around), at sunday we had dinner with my parents and now it seems i could FINALLY convince my wife that i can indeed cook. I have added the recipe to the recipe-corner of the phlog already. On the weekend i had also the chance to look a bit deeper into Elisp (yeah i now, for being an long-time Emacs user its a shame that i never really have learned it). Well, i hope i can find the time to hack some ideas together that are in my mind now and not getting distracted with something entirely different.