24 January 2024 =============== I have now played around with GNU Hurd and - while there are some really cool features like the translator concept - i must confess that i am not THAT impressed. With this i mean absolutely no disrespect to the work of the developers or the users of this project, it is just that - after having used Plan 9 for a couple of years - most of the features that Hurd has are working "a little bit better" in the realm of the bunny. On the other hand: Hurd has, was Plan 9 is painfully missing: A big chunk of the Debian / GNU / Linux software ecosystem available as packages to simply install. So, where do i go from here? Well i think i will look into the system from time to time, perhaps i will discover a "killer feature" for me, who knows? This little excourse was mostly about getting it finally to run and somewhat about catching my "white whale". Handwriting ------------ I have started journaling again some time ago, for one to get a bit more in the habit of organizing my thoughts and to practice handwriting. My handwriting was absolutely ugly the most time i spend in school and no time investment and patience of my teachers could improve it in any way. At the moment where cursive script was not a requirement any more i abandoned it as fast as i could. Over the last ~20 years the lines written by me by hand could possibly not fill 10 A4 pages i think. But this had some consequences: Every time i HAD now to make some hand written notes (or take an exam which couldn't be done on a computer) my hands started to ache very badly. This now has improved much since i switched to a fountain pen for journaling and readopted cursive. It still looks ugly, but i am working on that too...