24 November 2023 ================ Yesterday i have done something that i haven't done in way over 10 years: I have ordered a new computer. But no ordinary system, nothing to "normal", i have ordered an ClockworkPi DevTerm R-01. Since i have first seen the announcements for the DevTerm back in 2021 i always liked the concept, the small form factor and that you get it in kit form. Since it was announced that they will ship a Risc-V based version i seriously pondered ordering one and yesterday i caved finally in to the demands of the voices in my head screaming "ORDER IT". Well, it has a estimated shipping time of around 60 business days, so i don't really think i will get it before the end of january, but i am really looking forward to tinker with this thing. I am not sure if i wrote about it before, but i am back in the usenet for about a month now and i was really surprised to find it very much alive. Yeah, granted, compared to the activity level of the mid to late 90s it has visibly calmed down, but at least in the german newsgroups there are tons of new posts every day (i still have to orient myself and find groups to stick with). Yeah, there are a bunch of lunatics and very fringe personalities around and i very much need to fill my killfile to at least filter out the worst of the worst but on a general note, i very much like the experience and really prefer it to the reddit crowd. Now i have to finally convince myself to finish that damn javascript project that has to be working on monday... its weird, the more i spend time in the "alternative-technology" world the less interested i am in the conventional "reasonable" modern tech world. I guess i will have to find a job that is somewhat more realted to the weird stuff i guess... If i think about it: There has to be a market for a "helpdesk" for this whole alternative / retro / whatever computer stuff. If i extrapolate the things that i have seen over the last couple of years then i would guess there are more "retro" machines in daily use than you would guess. The highlight of those "retro encounters" was an old vetenarian that still uses the same Commodore Pet (would there be a more fitting computer for a vetenarian?) he had started his doctors office with back in the 80s. Well... lets see where this job-journey will take me...