26 October 2022 Entered where: at work Entered on : My workstation ============================= Is it weird that i am drawn to archaic software and programming languages? A while ago i have already posted that i really like ed as an editor... and this in 2022! Now i have found a new tool to bring a bit more misery into my life: I discovered TECO... TECO is a piece of software that had its birth in the time of teletypes, and in use that shows. You can manipulate text in the fastest and most terse way possible, e.g. if i would like to change the word "weird" to "crazy" in the first paragraph of this text it would look something like this: Sweird$-5D$Icrazy$$ The $ in the former example is generated by hitting the ESC key in a TECO prompt. So, why i am learning this even more complex contraption in 2022? Now, on the one hand i really like the way this type of ancient software can become really really nice to work with after you have crossed this special treshhold and let you neurons getting molded to work with new tools. On the other hand i often type in stuff from a session running on my mobile phone, and i am notoriously bad with using a touch display... Whatever, in a way its just a choice of tools, like a romanian carpenter i know who sticks to completely manual tools (so, no electrical drill or saw...) because this style of doing his work seems more "natural" to him. If you want to try TECO out, it is available here on SDF: just type tecoc at the console and start your journey down into the wonderfull madness of TECO