================================= Living in a "haunted" house ================================= My family and me live in an old farmhouse, its exact construction date is unknown, but we expect it to be somewhere around the late 1800s. My parents bought the house back in the 80s after two former owners literally fled the property and the last owner sold it for an really, really cheap price (and to this day i cannot understand why my parents did not see that as a giant red flag...). Right after my parents moved in the weird shit started: My mother got panic attack, my dad got massive migraine, things started to go missing just do reappear a few hours, days or weeks later. Animals started to act really weird at times (e.g. a dog started to growl at a corner, another one jumping up and fleeing the living room howling). Then there was the really weird stuff: Hearing steps, seeing "things" and at times just this feeling that things are NOT RIGHT. But my family is one thing the foremost: Stubborn. We stayed in this "haunted" house just out of stubbornness and somehow arranged us with the weird things. But now as i moved back in and started converting the old barn into the home for my wife, me and our soon-to-bee first born its time to tackle the whole "haunting" issue. May it be electrical fields, may it be infra sound or may it be (i doubt it) real f..ing ghosts, we will not back down. To tackle the possible issue with electrical fields we will install a grounding to the steel sheeting my dad applied to one side of the building right after they bought it and to some other strategical parts of the house. To minimize the chance of infra sound we will rearrange a few things in the house to "break" air currents that may be producing that, and to tackle the slim chance of "real" ghosts i will be going my wife's way with some Vietnamese rituals she got from her parents. I will use this phlog to report the progress of operation "ghostbusting"