= First Post! = This is my very first "phlog" entry on my SDL account's Gopher space! Very exciting. It feels like 1995 again and I'm typing my first primitive HTML document to be uploaded via FTP to my ISP's web space. I'm anxious to see each change and nervous that I'm doing it all wrong. I'm in love with the all-text nature of Gopher and the low barrier of entry for newcomers. This would have been amazing back when I first got started on the Web. Of course, the Web and HTML are a good thing. But this has a certain beauty all its own. There are a number of reasons I find Gopher appealing, but the number one reason is that it is BY AND FOR PEOPLE WHO LOVE TEXT! I'm positively giddy knowing that nobody is going to complain about my choice of font, background color, text color, etc. These things are now firmly where they belong: in the hands of the user. The content is utterly pure text. What I plan to do here? * keep updating this phlog * perhaps post some fiction experiment * with text-based games delivered via gopher I have done all of the above on my website, but have generally ended up removing most of it because it just felt silly. There wasn't a proper audience or community for those things and so they languished and sat unloved and out of place. Here, these things make sense. Hmmm... oh yeah, and I plan to write a little script to automate this phlog directory by having it generate the titles from the first line of the file or something equally simple. + + + I welcome any feedback from the community. I'm sure there are great avenues to contact me through some extremely 1337 SDL fashion, but until then, you can use the contact form on my website: http://ratfactor.com/contact-me/ Until next time, happy burrowing, my new little rodent friends!