SUGAR 2 A bit of a follow-up to my previous post, "Sugar", in which I rambled a bit on the subject of willpower and making positive changes in one's life. It's been going well. I haven't given in to sugary temptation yet! Two things that occurred to me: 1. Decisions ====================================================================== Another way of saying that I "believe" I need to avoid sugar is: I've made up my mind. Or: I've made a decision. There's an idea going around* that: "Willpower is for people who are still uncertain about what they want to do." I think I really understand that now. And it makes sense if you be- lieve that decision-making is a huge drain on willpower.[2] If you've not made a definitive decision (or made up your mind, or formed a belief), then you're going to have to continuously choose or *decide* to do the right thing over and over again. The universe says, "yum, thanks for all the willpower, it was delicious!" Come to think of it, I guess I'm trying to believe/decide/make up my mind in order to BECOME THE SORT OF PERSON WHO DOESN'T EAT SUGAR. 2. Habits ====================================================================== I'm actually pretty good at *doing* new habits. I didn't used to be. I was awful. That changed when I forced myself to started my logging habit.[3] Having that one success under my belt seemed to be the confidence booster (or willpower muscle workout) I needed to get over the hump on a lot of things. Anyway, what I mean is that I'm actually far too hard on myself some- times; I really am good at making changes when they require that I *DO* a thing. What I've had a much harder time doing is *NOT DOING* things. I have a hard time *NOT* eating the wrong foods. I have a hard time *NOT* staying up too late (and missing sleep). It looks like I have two different strategies for those two chal- lenges: For the food (current target: sugar), I'm attempting to change myself into one of those non-sugar-eating-people. For the bedtime thing, my latest strategy is to turn the negative "don't get distracted by bright screens and stay up late" into a posi- tive "I WILL go to bed at a specific time." Okay, that's all I've got for now. I'm getting dangerously close to failing my bedtime resolution! Happy hacking, g0pherz! Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] The quote is apparently from a blogger who goes by the name of "Helia", but I believe it's popularized by Benjamin Hardy and his book "Willpower Doesn't Work", which I have not yet read. [2] That idea comes from "Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength" by Roy Baumeister and John Tierney, which I have read. It would be interesting to compare and contrast the two books. :-) [3] gopher:// Habit