ANOTHER MONTH OFF Well, apparently I needed another month "off" to get my ducks in a row post-move. The terrible truth is that we're still unpack- ing and sorting and figuring out furniture - but at some point, you gotta start living again. I've been extremely productive for the last three months and some of it even involved computing. The single most interesting and exciting (to me) thing is that I've *finally* started contribut- ing to an open-source project I use every day: VimWiki. Mostly this involves me learning VimScript (or "VimL" if you prefer) and trying to complete a small feature (the hard part: creating a set of reliable tests for the feature using the Vader plugin test framework). This is truly unglamourous grunt work, but nothing compared to the 8 hours a day I do at my job. As usual, my TODO list grows far faster than I could ever hope to achieve. Some top items: 1. A huge backlog of gopher phlog post topics 2. Geeky content for my website 3. Get caught up on the Gemini project (at least I've gotten caught up on the mailing list content!) 4. Build a small JavaScript game with my daughter (we started with pixi.js and have switched to playground.js because it has more support for game primitives such as images, sound, input). 5. Finish various books 6. Continue on my "portable computer" - I did get the 7" screen working 7. Convert my gopher content to VimWiki...and possibly even my entire website - surely I'll have more to say about this later (basically, the idea is to be able to edit all content in the VimWiki environment and have external scripts to publish) 8. Art - oh man, Inktober has begun again...TODAY! I want to do it, but I fear my sanity if I add anything else to my current personal project load Note: I didn't finish writing this phlog entry before fami- ly bedtime started and then I was exhausted and gave myself permission to just sleep after that - which is why this is dated yesterday. But I _did_ do a really sloppy Inktober drawing while brushing my teeth. So I guess that's happening. Note to self: It's hard to be creative and do quality work when I'm tired at night. Should probably start getting up earlier instead and getting things done then. That was working really well for a while... It's October now and I'm looking forward to the cool Fall weather - getting outside more often to take regular walks with the fami- ly. I actually enjoy the kitschy elements of the Halloween sea- son. Looking forward to reading all of the Gopher content I've missed out on while I was "under". Don't worry, I wasn't "cheating" on Gopher with the Web. I was just out of it completely.