RE: JYNX - VIMWIKI I can't believe my reply is now two weeks overdue! Wellllll, I kind of can believe it, but it sure _went_ fast. At any rate, I really appreciated the feedback from jynx on the RPoD Phlog [1]. [1] gopher:// No script is needed. Have the site *be* the wiki. As in have the files live in /var/gopher or /var/www/html -- you can symlink one to the other and have one set of files. Ha ha, that's almost _exactly_ what I intend. Only I plan to in- vert it - the website and phlog(s) will be subdirectories under my main wiki. There are other things I want to move there, too, such as my `um` pages (my man page-equivalent CLI notes inspired by a Ruby tool of the same name [2], but written as a 20-line Bash function). [2] And I want to start keeping a larger quantity of small inter- linked notes in the style of "memex"[3] or "Zettelkasten". [3] I've already converted my daily log transcriptions to VimWiki (with daily entry file names generated at the beginning of the month by script - I just run the script manually as needed). So the directory structure will be something like this: wiki +-- log +-- memex +-- sdf | +-- phlog +-- website | +-- slackware | +-- ... +-- um +-- ... The idea is to make the wiki a hub for everything, with a series scripts and applications that pull from it to export to other sources, to search within it, etc. What I love about VimWiki is how easily I can bring it up within Vim and navigate with Enter and Backspace. I want everything in my digital life to be that easy to find and edit - with publish- ing being a just a Vim shortcut away. If you use markdown as your format it'll still be readable on gopher, and you can use hoedown to on- the-fly generate html for the www site. Here's where I run into trouble. As the VimWiki becomes more *important*, the more I want to have complete control over it. Until now, I've been perfectly happy with the 'default' VimWiki syntax. But I already have my website content in AsciiDoc markup and I'm not going to "downgrade" that to Markdown. Further, I'm very particular about my HTML (probably leftover trauma from the early WYSIWYG editors of the 1990s - back when I hand-wrote all of my pages one angle-bracket at a time in notepad.exe...). So, the plan is to add a subset of AsciiDoc syntax to VimWiki (I only use a subset on my website anyway) and write some converters (.adoc--->.txt for Gopher and terminal output; .adoc--->.html for the Web). For everything else, there's Pandoc. In a lot of ways, I wish I could be more pragmatic about using existing tools _as they are_ and getting on with just creating new content... Believe it or not, this _is_ me being pragmatic. For a while there, I was teetering on a knife's edge between this and creating my own VimWiki fork stripped down to a bare core of navigation and with a Text Junior (TJR) syntax... I'm happy with this middle course I've chosen. I'm making slow and steady progress. __ __ \ \ / /_ _ _ _ \ V / _` | | | | | | (_| | |_| |_ |_|\__,_|\__, ( ) |___/|/ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ ___ __ _| |_(_)___ _ __ ___ | '_ \| '__/ _` |/ _` | '_ ` _ \ / _` | __| / __| '_ ` _ \ | |_) | | | (_| | (_| | | | | | | (_| | |_| \__ \ | | | | | | .__/|_| \__,_|\__, |_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__|_|___/_| |_| |_| |_| |___/ Thanks to jynx and have a good time down below where the Earth is cool and dark, my gophers!