BACK AGAIN How amazing that it has been so long since I last wrote here. It's been about 115 days. That's 16 weeks. Or nearly four months. A third of a year! How did this happen? Well, never mind. It did and I won't apolo- gize for it. What's new? I've not been idle during that time. And yet (de- spite keeping records on the day-to-day minutiae), I have a hard time accounting for it. So I won't attempt a re-cap. Instead, we shall look forward. Here's what I'm up to now and in the near future: 1. Creating a touch-typing adventure game for my kids to play ================================================================= The title is "Keeb's Quest" in a nod to the old Sierra "King's Quest" and "Space Quest" games. Keeb is the name of your charac- ter (I think), and a (hopefully) cute phonetic shortening of "keyboard". The main idea is that you "type your own adventure". You start in the Home Town, which represents the keyboard home row (asd- fghjkl;) and learn those keys before venturing out to learn more advanced spells (keys) and such. All interaction is with the keyboard and you use only the keys you've learned so far. I'm hoping to inject a lot of humor into conversations with charac- ters in Home Town about how silly you sound when you first arrive saying "ffff jjjj ffff jjjj" and such. I've got all sorts of ideas like "Shifters" (think wizards who can shift into animal form) who teach you to use the Shift key. Stuff like that. I plan to create SVG vector art (in Inkscape) to accompany all of the text. 2. Started a new VimWiki "lite" clone called Vwlite ================================================================= So I've wanted to add AsciiDoc support to VimWiki for a long time now. I actually made quite a bit of headway...but finally threw in the towel as the workload reality of making _full_ support fi- nally dawned on me. The worst part is that I don't actually pre- fer most of the VimWiki features over external scripts anyway. So I'd mostly be supporting features I don't personally use. Making the core of Vwlite in vimscript has been surprisingly rapid (I'm only on day 5), but then, I've been thinking about it for a long time. Turning it into a proper, polished plugin is taking longer than the core functionality, but that's okay. At least now I can start using it (and converting my existing VimWi- ki .wiki files to AsciiDoc .adoc). Ultimately, both my website and Gopher (and eventually Gemini) content will be authored as sub-sections under my main wiki and exported/uploaded with custom scripts. That's the dream. 3. Have been honing a better TODO system (mostly pen and paper) ================================================================= I've described my paper notebook log and capture system before. I've been really lagging behind on transcribing the entries. It's no coincidence that my phlog posts ended right around the time my log transcriptions ceased... However, in the last month or so, I've been doing really well with the TODO system I've been using. For some reason, it's just clicking. As of last night, I've incorporated a larger stay-at- home notebook into the system to keep track of larger projects/goals. I feel good about it, but it will be interesting to see how well it works over the next month or so. 4. Very slowly working on a massive website article ================================================================= When I finally worked up the will to work on my website's "Pkg- Blog" (an exploration/review of all software packages that come with Slackware Linux), I nearly cried when I saw where I'd left that project: I'm right at the beginning of GNU coreutils! There's like, over 100 utilities in there! But I've been working on it as time (and other projects) permit. I do believe I'll get through it. And after that, I can't imag- ine any other package is going to be nearly as difficult to re- view as this one. 5. Writing this phlog post! ================================================================= If you're reading this, I have overcome the immense hurdle of restarting a phlog after leaving it idle for a third of a year. Let's take a moment to celebrate that with a little cybercake. I also finally decided how I'm going to manage having this burrow on SDF and also the pressurized gopher dome on the Zaibatsu: This (SDF) phlog will be for general updates of a personal na- ture. I expect I'll mostly write about "self help" type topics, but who knows? The Zaibatsu ( phlog will be for tech updates. I definitely predict some Vim-related content. Then probably ramblings about text markup and authoring. That sort of thing. +++ And now a list of current interests (as they may have changed): 1. lightweight computing at the terminal 2. star trek: the next generation 3. boardgames (with wife and family) 4. cleaning out and organizing the house 5. pens, pencils, paper 6. watercolor and sketchbooking 7. programming computers (I also get paid to do this!) 8. reading fiction (particularly science fiction) 9. reading non-fiction (anything) 10. listening to music (particularly metal) 11. listening to podcasts ("the pen addict", "earl grey") 12. parenting (this is not really an optional interest) 13. visiting parks 14. looking at art (mostly online and in books) 15. making things in the garage (pretty rare these days, but always feels good when I do) I work to keep this list of interests short. I'm very easily tempted by new hobbies. Having kids has helped me zero in on what's important to me by forcing me to manage my limited time better. I've been partially successful. Until next time, I remain your pal in Gopherspace, ratfactor