2800 B.C.E. * Thuban (dragon) 10' from celestial North * First verified date in Egypt's 365-day civil calendar (Th. 19 July 2776) * Sumerian dynastic rule begins in Ur, lasting six centuries (2750) * King of Ur has temples built to worship Elamite gods * The name Sataran (serpent goddess) is given to Sarpanit, step-daughter of Ea who is called a "serpent god" not unlike Serpens Aesculapii * Sumerians invent the counting board--using a base 60 number system that is still used in India for subdividing the sidereal year--consisting of a wooden board with beads sliding in grooves * Pharaos are worshipped as gods; but Imhotep becomes the exception that proves the ruler after being adopted as the son of Ptah, so deifying him as the god of medicine & learning * The mother of the Yellow Emperor sees great lightning circle around the star of Bei-Dou (Dubhe in Ursa Major), & then becomes pregnant with him * Chinese feudalism established by the Yellow Emperor who devises a lunar calendar, whose wife, Lui Joh, discovers how to make silk, and whose prime minister, Tajao, groups stars into constellations (2637) [Chinese folklore] 2600 B.C.E. * Chi-Po asserts that the earth floats in space [Huang Ti-ping King su Wen.] * Emperor Huang-ti, a son of Japheth, discovers that the Pole Star (alpha Draconis) can be used for navigation * Fourth dynasty pharao Cheops expropriates a cartouche found inside of the Great Pyramid, for himself, and thereby the Pyramid as well * Domestication of the Bactrian camel--vital for high-elevation travel * Egyptians are 1st (Westerners) to assert that the soul of man is immortal, and that: when the body perishes, it constantly resprings into existence entering animal after animal; after passing through the different kinds of terrestrial, marine and aerial beings, it again enters into the body of a man that is born; this revolution is made in 3000 years [Herodotus] * Mummification & belief in reincarnation spread to Egyptian populace in fifth dynasty; priests of Amun-Ra become more prominent than Pharao 2400 B.C.E. * Sargon the Great founds first Western empire & Akkadian dynasty * Sargon's grandson, Naram-Sin, expands Akkadian empire to its greatest extent, and invents for himself the title "King of the Four Quarters of the World/Heavens" as well as taking the title "God of Akkad" to become the first Mesopotamian king known to have claimed divinity for himself * Yao, a descendent of the Yellow Emperor, "perfects" a lunar calendar for which there is a mention of the use of leap months during his reign; breaks with precedent by choosing the most competent government minister, Shun, rather than the most qualified noble, as successor; Shun struggles against catastrophic flooding; chooses Yu to replace a minister trying to build levies that were self-defeating by raising river levels; Yu is so successful in channeling water away via ditches & canals that he becomes Shun's successor, and thereby the first emperor of a dynasty basing itself on a cult of mystical sovereigns exercising sacred kingship (~2205) [Chinese folklore: Confucius, Book of History.] 2200 B.C.E. * Yu the Great's son Jing becomes the first son to succeed his father as Emperor, so formalising China's first dynasty (~2197) * Chinese astronomers Hi & Ho beheaded by Emperor Chong Kang for being too drunk to organise the traditional ritual against the dragon said to be devouring the sun during a total eclipse (2159)