Strictly adhering to Lachman's Maxim (Complexity is a diseconomy of scale), this method is designed to run super-bly as a stand-alone routine when the the most BASIC of computer is the only resource--meaning minimal operating system functionality beyond superBASIC as a command-line interpreter, and no integer, nor floating point, variables. It succeeds where other Methods do not when computing the day of the week on lowly 8-bit-bus systems: having no need of C compilers which run on bloated development systems as for Michael Keith's and others'. Given: D$ as a Date stamp YEARMoDa in basic ISO format T$ as an Offsets' table; F$ as a Flag to choose between Julian (=0) & Gregorian (=1) the superBASIC routine below is to compute: s$ as the offset year g$ as the Gregorian Offset to a Julian result w$ as the mod 7 day-number compatible with ISO 8601: Sun=0 Mon=1 Tue=2 Wed=3 Thu=4 Fri=5 Sat=6. REM Step 0 - defines the Offsets' table & the offset year: LET T$="400351362402" : s$=INT(D$/10000-.03) REM Step 1 - calculates Gregorian Offset: LET g$=(s$DIV 100)&"32"DIV 16 *F$ REM Step 2 - computes the day-number within the week: LET w$=(s$DIV 4+ D$(1TO 4)+ T$(D$(5TO 6))+ D$(7TO 8)+ g$)MOD 7 This routine is valid for Gregorian dates as of 15.oct.1582, and for historical Julian dates from 1.mar.1 until 4246 A.D. -- REFERENCES gopher://