# About I joined sdf.org in probably August of 2021. Fueled by an autistic dive into all things *nix, which began from a simple podcast about Brian Kernighan[1], I dove in as far as I could. All the way to dual booting my Macbook with Arch, finding sdf.org...a *public* unix server?? Hell yes! So I joined. I went deep into CLI tools, text only browsers, learned to use vim, abandoned the mouse, and wished for simpler times. Like all of my autistic dives, I got burned out. I tried to salvage some learnings and come out ahead - with some productive learnings and things I could use in my every day life (I am a chemical engineer by trade). There wasn't much, except I really enjoyed using vim (really, neovim) for text editing. And linux did become my daily driver. But...I keep falling back into the *nix world, and there is just some sort of pull that sdf has on me for old times. I remember my first ISP gave use a few megabytes of online storage, and I uploaded some html pages to it. It was amazing. sdf feels like that. I get a domain with a folder for hosting. And what's even better is gemini...text only. How amazing! => https://lexfridman.com/brian-kernighan/