My Computers ============ I love computers, I got my first computer when I was 12. I attribute learning basic on that machine to my current career as a programmer. Since then I've obtained many more machines. Here is a list of what I have around at the moment. Apple IIc Apple IIc+ 2 Apple II+'s (including my first computer) 4 Apple //e's Laser 128 (//c clone) Tandy 1000 Vic 20 3 Commodore 64's Mac plus Mac Classic Mac se Mac se 30 Mac IIsi Powermac g3 (beige 233) Powermac g4 (b&w 400) Powerbook g3 (pismo) Powerbook 540c Mac Plus G4 (my primary machine) Asus eeepc 701 Snow iMac 600mhz (my wifes, but I claim it) Timex Sinclair Tandy Model 100