# Audacity Cheatsheet ## Basic Concepts - Audacity is a free and open-source digital audio editor and recording software. - Audacity is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux operating systems. - Audacity can be used to record and edit audio files, apply effects, and export to various formats. ## Interface - The Audacity interface includes a waveform display, track controls, and various menus and toolbars. - Tracks can be added or removed, and audio can be imported or recorded directly into Audacity. - Effects can be applied to tracks, and the volume and panning of individual tracks can be adjusted. ## Recording - To record audio in Audacity, select the input source and click the record button. - Audacity allows for multi-track recording, where multiple sources can be recorded simultaneously onto separate tracks. - Recording levels can be monitored and adjusted to prevent clipping or distortion. ## Editing - Audacity provides a range of editing tools, including cut, copy, paste, and delete. - Tracks can be split, trimmed, and faded in or out. - Effects can be applied to tracks, such as reverb, EQ, and compression. ## Exporting - Audacity allows for exporting audio files in various formats, including WAV, MP3, and FLAC. - Export settings can be adjusted, such as bit rate, sample rate, and file type. - Audacity also provides options for exporting individual tracks or the entire project. ## Resources - [Audacity website](https://www.audacityteam.org/) - [Audacity Manual](https://manual.audacityteam.org/) - [Audacity Tutorials](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLF2BACB0E71C9B249) - [Audacity Forum](https://forum.audacityteam.org/)