# netstat Cheatsheet ## Unique Features * A command-line tool to display network connection information in Linux, Unix-like and Windows operating systems * Displays active network connections, listening ports, routing tables, and network interface statistics * Can also identify the process that initiated each connection * Useful for troubleshooting network connectivity issues and network security auditing ## Basic Usage * Display all active network connections: `netstat` * Display listening ports: `netstat -l` * Display statistics for all network interfaces: `netstat -i` * Display routing table: `netstat -r` ## Advanced Usage * Display active network connections for a specific protocol: `netstat -[tcp|udp]` * Display network statistics in continuous mode: `netstat -c` * Display process information for each connection: `netstat -p` * Display all listening ports including those owned by processes without root access: `sudo netstat -lnptu` * Display the status of sockets: `netstat -s` * Display the list of network interfaces and their IP addresses: `netstat -ie` * Display active network connections for a specific process: `netstat -p | grep [process_name]` ## Resources * `netstat --help` or `man netstat` in your terminal * [Linux Man Page for netstat](https://linux.die.net/man/8/netstat) * [Microsoft Documentation on netstat](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/netstat) for Windows-based systems.