# Taskwarrior Cheatsheet ## Unique Features * Command-line task manager * Supports task prioritization and due dates * Supports task annotations and tags * Supports recurring tasks and dependencies * Can be extended with plugins and hooks * Available on most operating systems ## Basic Usage * Add a task: `task add [description]` * List tasks: `task list` * Complete a task: `task [task_id] done` * Delete a task: `task [task_id] delete` * Modify a task: `task [task_id] modify [attribute]=[value]` ## Advanced Usage * Filter tasks by status: `task [status]` * Filter tasks by project: `task project:[project_name]` * Filter tasks by tag: `task +[tag_name]` * Filter tasks by due date: `task due.before:[date]` * Filter tasks by priority: `task priority:[priority_level]` * Recurring tasks: `task add [description] recur:[recurrence_interval]` * Dependencies: `task [task_id] modify depends:[task_id]` * Hooks: `task config hook.[hook_name].command [command]` ## Output Options * Customize output format: `task [filter] rc.verbose:[output_format]` * Set default output format: `task rc.defaultwidth=[width] rc.defaultheight=[height] rc.defaultcommand=[command]` ## Resources * [Taskwarrior User Guide](https://taskwarrior.org/docs/) * [Taskwarrior Wiki](https://taskwarrior.org/projects/taskwarrior/wiki) * [Taskwarrior Hooks and Scripts](https://github.com/GothenburgBitFactory/taskserver/wiki/Hooks-and-Scripts)