# Wget Cheatsheet ## Unique Features * Command-line utility for downloading files from the web * Supports recursive downloads * Can follow links and download pages and their requisites * Supports resuming interrupted downloads * Can be used for mirroring entire websites * Available on most Unix-like operating systems ## Basic Usage * Download a single file: `wget [url]` * Download a file with a specific name: `wget -O [filename] [url]` * Download a file in the background: `wget -b [url]` * Download a file with a user agent string: `wget --user-agent="[user agent]" [url]` ## Advanced Usage * Limit download speed: `wget --limit-rate=[rate] [url]` * Download recursively: `wget -r [url]` * Mirror a website: `wget --mirror -p --convert-links -P [directory] [url]` * Resume a partially downloaded file: `wget -c [url]` * Follow links and download requisites: `wget --page-requisites [url]` * Use a proxy server: `wget --proxy-user=[username] --proxy-password=[password] --proxy=[server] [url]` ## Output Options * Log to a file: `wget -o [logfile] [url]` * Verbose output: `wget -v [url]` * No output: `wget -q [url]` ## Resources * [Wget Manual](https://www.gnu.org/software/wget/manual/) * [Wget Wikipedia Page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wget)