# APL Cheatsheet ## Unique Features - Array-oriented language - Uses special characters for built-in functions and operators - Supports complex numbers and other mathematical structures - Strongly typed - Interactive development environment - High degree of conciseness ## Variables ```apl ⍺ ← 2 ⋄ ⍵ ← 3 ⋄ result ← ⍺ + ⍵ ``` ## Functions ```apl function_name ← { ⍝ Function definition ⍝ Function body } function_name argument1 argument2 ⍝ Function call ``` ## Loops ```apl ⍳10 ⍝ For loop {⍝ While loop ⍝ Loop body }⍣(condition) ``` ## Conditionals ```apl condition ⌷(true_code; false_code) ⍝ If-else statement condition ⍴ true_code ⍝ If statement ``` ## File Manipulation ```apl ⎕NGET 'file_name' ⍝ Reading from a file ⎕NPUT 'file_name' 'text to write' ⍝ Writing to a file ``` ## Resources - [APL Wiki](https://aplwiki.com/) - [Dyalog APL](https://www.dyalog.com/) - [APL Orchard](https://apl.chat/home) (community forum) - [Mastering Dyalog APL](https://www.dyalog.com/mastering-dyalog-apl.htm) (book)