DECEMBER 1, 2018 ---------------- Duh. Tabs. RTFD, sadrach. Picked up a couple of new Ween tunes to busk - Pork Roll Egg & Cheese, Spinal Meningitis (Got me down), and The Flutes Of Chi. No sheeplord this weekend - busy moving stuff around. Poked around in the root directory on sheeplord's loaner, found their school id photo and some binary blob called classpolicy. Can't find a copy of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus anywhere in town. Seems like there's an abundance of books about philosophers in the libraries here, and a lack of what they actually wrote. Dean Ween's tube channel is bretty gud. ,..,.- ./ \ / .----. ` ./ (.)(.) | / ,,u,, / / (,,,~) / / / / o , / / o / / o , / / . / / o o / \.,.,..,/ PICKLE RIIIIIIIIIIICKKKK