|| Phlog 20 - Old Computer Challenge Summary || || || || || Initial Post 7-16-2023 || OpenBSD iBook || || Updated Post 7-17-2023 || Home Desktop || HTTP Link to Solene's Post: https://dataswamp.org/~solene/2023-06-04-old-computer-challenge-v3.html Closing thoughts on the Old Computer Challenge v3 This is the first year I've taken part in this so I don't know how it compares to previous years (both in theme and participation) but it's been an extremely positive experience! The interactions on Mastodon have been so helpful and fun!! I've enjoyed the hell out of reading other posts, phlogs and write-ups about everyone else's setup and challenges. If I had to summerize the week, I would say "mindfulness". Knowing there's a finite amount of time to use a limited spec machine each day makes planning out what to try & accomplish pretty important. I can only imagine how the time share systems of yore would encourage people to work efficiently and plan their time accordingly. Definitely found myself seeking out terminal verions of things - Mastodon, Lemmy, music/media players, weather, etc. There are some truly impressive projects out there for low-end machines and minimalist approaches. Along with less time in front of a screen just browsing and doom scrolling, this week also lent itself toward more meaningful tech interactions: listening to physical media, exploring more terrestrial radio - both at home and in the car, exploring more Pi/Arduino based projects to do and queuing up more 'obsolete' devices to tinker with that have been sitting on my desk for longer than I care to admit. Taking part in this iteration of the Old Computer Challenge was also a great way to justify rescuing all the older yet very much in working order gear from the recycling pile at work. "See? There's a whole community that believes in this too!!" I've always adored the "Lateral Thinking with Withered" technology philosophy Gunpei Yokoi espoused, in which this week really allowed me to immerse myself. Additionally, there were a *lot* of participants who were waaaaaaaaay more ambitous with their hardware selections. That was a lot of fun to read about! Until next year! What works: More than you'd think: mail, calendar, music, Mastodon, Lemmy, youtube, SSH, some light gaming, news + reading. By Day 2, I was loving not seeing ads while browsing with Lynx. What doesn't: Sites that rely heavily on graphical components and/or cookies to function, Didn't get an opportunity to try out JPilot and the Palm Tungsten I'd been meaning to use.