15 +---------------------------------------+ | + + + + + | | 'foo' using 2:3 A | 10 |-+ A AAA A +-| | AA | | A | | A A | 5 |-+ A A +-| | AA A | | A | 0 |-+ AA A +-| | AA A | | AA | -5 |-+ AAA A +-| | AA | | A A | | A A AA | -10 |-+ A AA AAAA +-| | | | + + + + + | -15 +---------------------------------------+ -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Well, I don't have key access to my running server on beastie again yet, but gopher.club is back, very cool. I'm putting two different phosts in here. * Christyotwisty's five questions! 1. Friendly-advicep I associate the term Friendly Advice very strongly with strong-arming someone. On the other hand I will sometimes present something I do as being normative, by which I mean a good starting point on the journey. 2. View An aptly named Hillcrest road has some beautiful sunsets, though it is kind of a testimony as to how telephone-lines can ruin views. 3. Non-tech skill Fermenting foods. You can suddenly create tried and true good eating, and you can likely-reinvent living foods that make sense when presented with odd factory-processed sterile foods. It's very exciting, cheap, self-sufficient and delicious. 4. need-frenp Let's travel back in time a week, and I would like to work on writing a little more deliberately if I was being helped by thought -ful and -provoking authors. 5. Slow cookers Slow cookers are a mystery to me. * Random synthetic elliptical sexp Good for checking your principal component function is working. The above oval was made by (dump>file2 "foo" 63) (gnuplot "foo" "2:3") from the below code. #+name: rotated-ellipse-points #+begin_src lisp (defun unit-circle-point (phase) (values (cos phase) (sin phase))) (defun scale-axes (x y sx sy) (values (* sx x) (* sy y))) (defun rotate-point (x y phase) (values (- (* x (cos phase)) (* y (sin phase))) (+ (* y (cos phase)) (* x (sin phase))))) (defun random-phase (&optional (resolution 1000)) (let ((2pi/res (/ pi resolution 1/2))) (values (* 2pi/res (random resolution))))) (defun eg (&optional (k 32)) (append (list (list "n" "x" "y" "a")) (let ((N k) (rot (random-phase)) (sx (random 20)) (sy (random 20))) (loop for n from 1 to N for a = (random-phase) collecting (multiple-value-bind (x y) (unit-circle-point a) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (scale-axes x y sx sy) (multiple-value-bind (x y) (rotate-point x y rot) (list n x y a )))))))) (defun dump>file1 (file k) (with-open-file (out file :direction :output) (format out "(~{(~{~a~^ ~})~^~%~})~%" (eg k)))) (defun dump>file2 (file k) (with-open-file (out file :direction :output) (format out "~{~{~a~^ ~}~^~%~}~%" (eg k)))) (defun gnuplot (file using) (uiop:run-program (format nil "gnuplot -e ~ \"set terminal dumb; ~ set size square; ~ plot '~a' using ~a;\"" file using) :output t)) #+end_src * My gratitude for my chatgpt-phost [1] responses [2]. Thank you again everyone for your thinking and writing about my thinking and writing about chatgpt. I am honored to be the subject of that piece by mhcat. It was clearly identified (not just be mhcat) that my writing settled into polemic against surveillance capitalism (alright, specifically mhcat). While writing that phost, I did have the idea of narratively conveying real-life high dimensional data, since AIs like chatgpt train on high-dimensional data. A graph plot called a biplot is made out of high dimensional data as a way for humans to visually reason about trends in it, which is what I'm working together with the above oval. * Phetch postscript phetch is an amazing browser and warrants its own phost. I would recommend it over anything else now I have given it a proper try. Thank you to jns, tomasino and everyone else for the low-key endorsements I eventually phollowed. [1] gopher://beastie.sdf.org:7991/0phlogs/do-not-touch-chatgpt.txt [2] gopher://sdf.org/0/users/mhcat/phlog/20230201T083244--responding-to-screwtapes-chatgpt-essay__phlog_political-thought_programming_reading_sdf.txt [2] again Mastodon responses at https://mastodon.sdf.org/@screwtape/109777217235338512 [2] [3] Jamesp had an interesting take, to him the accessibility of running it (gpt-2) himself under a permissive license, with control of his data and its application was what was key. https://mstdn.starnix.network/@james [2] [4] stug, anthonyg, paolo, xiled [list of everygopher]