Since I - and a few others - liked my org-mode SDL2, this post was The only thing I am unhappy with is intended to be about that. I how we can get org-mode tables into formalized (heh. [sic]) the headings the code tangle (as numeric C of my sdl2 C org template and arrays, generally). This consists of rejigged it a bit. I made it so a making a table with a #+name: code block named main looks like orgtable and filling it with this: numbers, using either TBLFM calc/spreadsheet domain specific #+begin_src C language or elisp. You could also generate it with any code having <> (and doing) a :output table (which is default for anything org-mode <> thinks looks table-like). <> My problem is that I am putting named tables in the intimidatingly <> named Symbol macro tangles, but then the main code block header :var line <> needs somethng like c2darrayname=orgtablename appended <> to it, which is the only case of modifying the main block and is #+end_src no-where near the logic the table is involved in. Further, a variable has Though I refer you to in my been introduced far away from the 1org-drafts for a complete example. Variable declaration block. If I Please change could, I would actually like to move all variables out of C and into #+HEADER: :includes orgmode (not in the main header), "/usr/local/include/SDL2/SDL.h" but I don't think this will particularly work for SDL2 structs to meet your needs (probably to or maybe structs generally. There are a few ways this could go, but #+HEADER: :includes none of them appealled to me yet. ). I love how this completely Since everything structural and functionless SDL2 template works, organizational has been referred though a little bit of it bears into orgmode and out of C, having exposition and I will gradually make absolutely no functions is nice. my own game arcade to work on the After all, you would have been details. pragma inlining them anyway, right? But there are two things I don't Making the template into a game like. Annoyingly, SDL2's timers involves declaring your variables in feature works by function callbacks, declare-variables, initializing them so I guess we're stuck with adding (or something) in after-start, and functions somewhere. More then in the loop heading clone the precipitously, this highly organized **loop***Basic section for each game and organizable tangle is not at all mode you will have. Inside Basic object oriented. In C we would by there is a basic-event-pump and a convention sometimes prefix basic-action. Fill those in with the functions with the name of the sort inputs you want to have in the of struct they act upon, yielding your-event-pump, and fill in something like a namespace and your-action with whatever you want (probably non-generic) methods. Alan to happen in this game mode. Put Kay's your mode into the loop-switch mode all-you-can-do-is-send-a-message is enum/switch like BASIC. From there, not part of my org template. all of everything about your program is absorbed into org-mode tangling/export/execution/debugging. ------------------------------end-page-1---------------------------------- My probable solution to both of those is to just tangle the template inside of ECL's sffi (see: Other stuff I've programmed) which will work extremely well. And then it's a lisp program and has CLOS with closures and classes and so forth. The problem is that this is a titanic and intrusive dependency, implying Boehm garbage collection and libecl and so forth. And the snappy C slows down to that sort of heavier pace. Further, non-elisp lisps basically don't play well in orgmode or emacs at all;they have a mixture of redundancy and rivalry. ECL especially I would have to write a new ob-ecl for to handle its use of common lisp's #'compile-file (and C). Dear oh dear, I didn't even get to tables yet which were all I wanted to talk about. I will table the tables for today. In other vanes Other than my SDL2 C template and a tiny bit of existing work on my own i2p gopher usage, I am going to start paying attention to the great stuff everyone else is making and has made - so I will try to investigate more about almost everyone else's signature gopher clients, for example. cside's bbc news gopher. Actually thinking about jns' justify. Snipped somehow, really should get a newer version of justify: On the off chance C. is reading this, ed is a positively magnificent editor as is its extremely oppositely-idiomed spiritual successor (plan 9) sam -d. I also came to understand much more about vi and ex after getting into ed. Seeing what you decide to show yourself works really well, which is odd considering the absolute prevalance of screen editors that inundate you with visual information you often don't want or care about.