When I was reading Steele's history of common lisp, published in the 90s one thing that struck me as maaaaybe obviously true but that I still need to understand is that a central regret of common lisp was that the standard included the inefficient data structures vectors and arrays. Arrays in common lisp are like this: > (setq *foo* #(1 2 3 4)) #(1 2 3 4) > (setq *bar* (adjust-array (make-array '2) '2 :displaced-to *foo*)) #(1 2) > *bar* #(1 2) > (setf (aref *bar* 0) 5) 5 > *foo* #(5 2 3 4) > One criticism was that it was too hard to write a Sufficiently Smart Compiler to make array displacement like that efficient and the overhead of nested array displacements was too high. Simple vectors are one-dimensional arrays > (vector 1 2 3 4) #(1 2 3 4) But they are not in general simple. > *foo* #(5 2) > (vector-push-extend '4 (adjust-array (make-array 1 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0) '1 :displaced-to *foo*)) 0 > *foo* #(4 2) Vectors are clearly featureful and feel very fast. > (loop for x across (vector 1 2 3) summing (/ x 5)) 6/5 So what's wrong with them? How are they inefficient? Hash tables spring to mind > (with-hash-table-iterator (iter *foo*) (loop (multiple-value-bind (entry-p key value) (funcall iter) (unless entry-p (return)) (format t "~s : ~s~%" key value)))) FOO : 3/2 BAR : 5/2 NIL Whereas an array with a fill pointer whether or not adjustable sits with unused array addresses just taking up space, lisp compilers generally implement weak datastructures as an extension: > (setq *foo* (make-hash-table :weakness :key)) # See the write-up from the 2005 European Lisp Symposium haible.de/bruno/papers/cs/weak/WeakDatastructures-writeup.html which treats weak (partial garbage collectionable) data structures, the gist being that a lisp implementation should implement -Weak pointers -Weak :key mappings -Weak hash-tables which is a ubiquitous extension in the usual common lisp compilers (and schemes and gnu / lucient elisps, smalltalk and others evidently by 2005) with the cost that weak datastructures are also less efficient because they need additional information to know when weak references can be garbage collected.