iSome meatspace creatures have been asking for a website to icheck me out online. I dunno if you have this experience, ibut it involves a feeling of exasperation that when you say iyou have a gopher on the sdf tilde, later in the best ipossible case I will overhear the second degree explanation iin hushed tones that netbsd is a kind of linux. i iI swear someone invited me to use openbsd. At the itime I wasn't as interested in checking out BCHS usage, even ithough I think I said yes. It's kind of fun having a netbsd iterminal, I wouldn't see it otherwise. i iI've based my charitable work off gentoo linux, which I iregret a bit actually. I got someone talking to rms a ilittle, and eventually I had to explain that you could ichoose freedom respecting license groups (@FREE) for gentoo. iOpt-in freedom don'tcha know. On one hand gentoo is what you imake of it, but needing to constantly opt in to good idecisions is morally draining and confusing. i iSometimes I remember my tawdry affairs with plans 9 various. iHonestly, I am the biggest disappointment to the sdf iplan9ers, if I was active enough for them to know I was ithere to disappoint. The os dilemma between openbsd and i9front is interesting I think. []9front is the igenerationally newer operating system by which I mean plan9 ibecame an open sourced operating system in 2000, whereas iopenbsd did diverging from what, BSD3.4? in 1993 I think? iFact check me on that, lots of living people are surely irolling in their graves. When I want to enjoy that Bell labs ifeel my cop-out is openbsd p9p which is basically a way of irunning a port of acme and some aesthetic vainglory. i iMy understanding of things is that 9front doesn't have iadvanced and coherent security and mitigations in the sense ithat openbsd does and- what else do you foremost need from ian os? It's been years since I last worked in prehistoric igolang as well, which I think inhabits 8c there (build a igolang compiler with 8c -> just use golang). i iAdmittedly I would say that I would walk through fire to get irid of clang (clang being the walk through fire to get rid iof gcc/'s c compiler, I guess). What am I going to use, ipcc/tcc or w/e? Iirc in the 8c docs, the bell labs people inoted a new compiler was on the order of weeks/months of iwork, with the major necessity being fundamental addressing ioptimisations. Honestly I know less than nothing about ihowever the words optimisation pass are pronounced in 8c. i i*I believe in common lisp still, by the way. Still ecl with iecl's sffi and particularly using i i(let ((these 0) (are 2) (shared 3) (args 0)) (declare (:int ithese are shared args)) (ffi:c-progn (these are shared args) i"#0= #1 + #2;" (print these))) i iSince I figure this is basically the iconic ecl idiom (well, ithis and i i(ffi:clines "#include ") i(print (1+ (ffi:c-inline (a) (:float) "sin(#0)" :one-liner it))) i i) i iWhile I'm trying to catch up on months of stray thoughts, I istumbled upon someone else's blas + lapack common lisp ffi. iI might move my blas starting point to forking that, and I imight port it non-portably to ecl (even though I have some iidea of the importance of clisp as the widely used c lisp). i