iI read with interest icanfood's reading of f6, I only somehow talk to one iwhom I have not read all of and a half meat-people iyet- talking about through bad internet idifferences de-interneting. communication practices. In i my dreams they will at least iWithstanding sdf, I have come meet me on sdf. isequestered myself in i2p iand tor. I am using sdf by I have been branding my odd isshing via a tor exit node- paid computer jobs (not my iso an exit node knows that charitable work (charitable isomeone is sshing into sdf, in that I do it as charity, ilike how my ISP knows not that I am an employee of isomeone is using onion a registered charity)) (lots irouting and i2p. And I am of tutoring) ieliding a kitchen sink web free-as-in-freedom-lancing. ibrowser as well. I will try to construct i something accessible for iThere is basically one good that. A long time ago now, I inot-wikipedia onion hidden tried to reach local iservice that's up about 3/4 post-secondary education iof the time I want it, which graduates via meeting them idoubles as a news source in at the Java Processing ithat I guess any extreme drawing library that was and inews events will show up is a ubiquitous source of ithere betwixt chess lessons here, but to my ichampionships and select chagrin people with imilitary dronings. certificates/degrees in i Processing did not want to iExploring identiguy.i2p (i2p engage with me about, or icommunity ~DNS) is seemingly do it at all after idefinitely an internet their training courses. iactivity. There are a ihandful of forums. (Does That clunky and bitter segue ianyone know what "archaic was by way of saying that my ibinary bbs" refers to? Its experience of trying to iname sounds promising but I connect with people through idon't know what it is or how things they have or someone ito talk to it). has paid for training in i seems to have been a fools iThere are a few good-ish errand. Instead I will do ilibraries (depending on what I believe in - a hidden ione's beliefs in information network gopher or something ifreedom or desire to read - and distribute live media ivery old books). USBs prepared to connect to i me for lots of hardware i cases. i i iUnrelatedly about music: i iSome years ago I went to a iseminar by a radio-dating iscientist specialising in idenisovan paleontology. The idenisovans were a kind of ihuman like neanderthals iwere, but very different to iboth modern humans and ineanderthals. Like ineanderthals, they icontributed genetics to imodern humans but ispecifically via iAustronesian modern humans i-> seafaring/island peoples ilinked to aboriginal iTaiwanese (hopefully I got ithat right). That's context. i i His work was studying caves idenisovans had lived in, and ihis summary was that early ihumanity was basically isitting in drippy caves iplaying flutes. He had some imusic of a reconstructed iflute of theirs being played iin a drippy cave. i i iAside (again): I found using tee via ssh handy. issh -o Proxy-Command='nc -X5 -192.a.b.c:port %h %p' screwtape@tty.sdf.org tee file.txt < file.txt i; scp was giving me grief before. I guess I should consider rsync