#| So much happening ... Please tune into aNONradio tomorrow! Synthetic wumpuses will be hunted. I think. I've got an idea. But for now while bone tired, I was thinking about knocking it up a level. Truth be told (as usual) ldbeth mentioned using a two-quasiquote macro. It's something I never really grokked. Here's a try. |# (defmacro lamdef ((nth) &body body) " (lamdef (nth) ..forms..) a list of (0) : CARs of the forms or (1) : Quoted forms or (2) : evaluated forms " `(format t "~@{~a~%~}" ,@(mapcar (lambda (lambda) `(nth-value ,nth (let ((lambda ',lambda)) (apply 'values `(,(car lambda) ,lambda ,,lambda))))) body))) #| Well macros can be confusing. I think if I used the nth parameter more vigorously something interesting would be happening. I've just shadowed the name lambda and used commas to access the name at different levels. > (lamdef (0) (lambda () '5) (list 1 2)) (LAMBDA LIST) > (lamdef (2) (lambda () '5) (list 1 2)) (#> (1 2)) > (lamdef (1) (lambda () '5) (list 1 2)) |#