I was talking to tob, an analog synth purist. Well, my ancient ('retro') and cheap, semi-functional boxens aren't at risk of transmogriphying into hard electronics or anything else in violation of the third law. Years ago I met an analog systems researcher. He would discover stuff conventional highly syncronous digital models couldn't find by putting together medleys of unclocked electronics and mechanical devices. That's the vibe I was getting from tob. Wishes, fishes. What I've got is a handful of digital bytes and a few compilers. Before building zainy physical systems that researcher would assemble systems of fake analog digital components in toy models. I'm already doing that a little, in that I am starting async threads of audio and then capturing from a system sound monitor device. Perhaps I can evoke my inner tob digital simulacrum by feeding my system sound monitor capture back into my async processes*. *For historical reasons, ECL threads are called processes. ldbeth refered me at common lisp music, a fully featured synth package with several complete instruments, and a synthetic classical piano bit. I did this (sans cl music) years ago too, though feeding Mozart to recorded harmonica notes. Maybe I can wed this to a pseudo-analog autonymous dynamic feedback control system. I guess I know enough to start to start. Really wish I had talked more about my friend Hal's research with him instead of just Prisoner fandom. I WILL NOT BE PUSHED STAMPED FILED INDEXED BRIEFED DEBRIEFED OR NUMBERED MY LIFE IS MY OWN