Baby steps! Today I broke a music file into small pieces using ffmpeg, then printed an ffmpeg playlist file reflecting some logic, and used ffmpeg to mux the playlist into an mp3. I didn't figure out streaming protocols yet. I used a counter and common lisp's formatted output to name files. (setq *counter* (let ((count -1)) #| ... |# (lambda () (values (format nil "~5,'0d" (incf count)) count)))) (setf (symbol-function '*counter*) (lambda () (funcall *counter*))) ;;Breaking out every 5 seconds (dotimes (s (/ 167 5)) (multiple-value-bind (name count) (*counter*) (let ((expression (format nil "ffmpeg -ss ~2,'0d:~2,'0d -i rancid.wav -t ~a chunks/~a.wav" (truncate (* 5 count) 60) (rem (* 5 count) 60) 5 name))) (ext:system expression)))) ;;There's an ffmpeg expression in there somewhere. Now let's do something and reassemble it. (defun get-idx (path) (parse-integer (subseq (file-namestring path) 0 5))) (setq *paths* (directory #p"chunks/*.*")) (setq *idxs* (mapcar 'get-idx *paths*)) (setq *idx.path* (mapcar 'list *idxs* *paths*)) (with-open-file (out #p"playlist.txt" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create) (dolist (s *idx.path*) (when (evenp (first s)) (format out "file '~a'~%" (pathname (second s)))))) ;;;;And let's stow that in an mp3 file using ffmpeg. (ext:system "ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i playlist.txt -c copy output.wav") ;;I have an example (with more random numbers) here: lynx gopher:// -dump > insanity.mp3 Some notes. It seems like most audio formats don't like being sliced up less than 5 seconds, but 5 second samples will run together nicely. I guess it relates to chunking and/or compression. 5 seconds is really long with an fs of 44100. About (* 3 (expt 2 16)) samples (maybe using reflect extrapolation). A large power-of-two fft and a length 3 prime fft. Next I should figure out streaming to anon radio, and I can noise up some silent moments.