I am drafting this on the last quarter of a pad of refill rotated so the binder hole-punches are on the right and the first line is near the top of the page. My analysis teacher convinced me to be less wasteful like this. In this gopher underground, I try to show appreciation to -everyone. people here share sincerity and value in spades. Other places are not like this! I tried writing on medium.com (that two week lull in my writing here). Without checking first, the first 5 articles medium.com advertises for me: - PhD announces his javascript is the best - How to self promote self promotion self promotion self promotion - Javascript programmer will make the code better - Opinion journalist hates Dark Academia - 21 Engineering Lessons As A Web Designer Incidentally, anecdotally, in the past a shadowy entity who alleged to have very robust precedent that what they do is not illegal reached out to me about advances in machine generated content, though I digress. If append3 is the hello world of prolog, my insertion sort yesterday is the fizzbuzz of A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp. But for something shallow it is deep in my thoughts. I am not auditioning for a windmill, wherefore then fizzbuzz? With some irony, I think I am reacting to my own - hacker announces his common lisp is the best doubly ironically considering the vocational and workshopped nature of ACL2. Having quarrelled with every programming language touting itself for speed, portability, safety, and its especially insightful object system I cannot bear that my victory lap must be leading a discussion in how common lisp sucks, basically. Instead with my robot friends together may I find nepenthe in the paradise Cantor created for us. (I lost a fight with jns' justifier. Badly.)